We have arrived! There was quite a queue outside, so we went for a walk first~

Hmm... Got Wine & Dine cert leh~ The service was pretty good actually, the order takers had a PDA which they use to key in our orders and send it to the kitchen directly! I rarely see stuff like these at restuarants. Cool right? Haha, I am so suaku. =P

From their menu... LOL! Stress free pork!

Yummy potato croquette which I finished by myself because Deardear doesn't care much for potato croquette...

Ready to dig in! We had the black pork sliced spicy ramen, one of the recommendations on the menu, but it was very average...

Ready to eat too! He had the same ramen as me.

His sashimi plate~ He only liked the salmon, haha.. I really don't get the thing about salmon sashimi! Deardear said their salmon is very fresh here and fresh salmon tends to have a slight fragrant smell... Ummm.. OK... As long as you like it, just don't ask me to eat them again!

His shiok-ness face!

My pathetic sushi. I forgot the name but it's crabstick sushi. One of the few sushis that I actually eat.
But this is pathetic! And it wasn't very nice. I much prefer Ichiban's.
If the food is so tiny, please don't place it on a big plate.. That's all I can say.

All in all, we didn't really enjoy the meal as much as I thought we would. Hais.

Most probably, we won't come back again~