CNY this year was very quiet, for me.
Hmm...some misunderstandings happened, but thank goodness they're resolved already. CNY EveWoke up quite late. =X Took 2 buses to Bukit Batok, slept like a pig on the way...the bus ride was so long! Met mom and family @ my grandma's house for reunion dinner. =) Just a simple meal and ang baos collection!
After that, we took a cab back to Hougang for Deardear's side reunion at his grandparents's house. Buffet dinner and ang baos galore~! Wee!
Met up with C & J after that, and we were supposed to go pubbing, but the one we wanted to go to was closed! So....Deardear decided to invite them to our house, as we still have that bottle of Martell we bought from DFS. A & D came after bowling.
I admit, I wasn't too thrilled about that, because I was thinking that it's not our own house and we could be too noisy and disturb his aunt...
Turns out that the noise level was not the main concern.
I was very very very unhappy with one particular person, who decided to lay his big fat ass on OUR bed, without asking. >( Had the cheek to move up on the bed somemore! My face was black like dunno what...even J noticed, but that person didn't even budge!
Deardear got so concerned...he kept asking me not to be angry, but how can I not be?! Anyway, the matter was then resolved when Deardear spoke to him.
I was somewhat appeased.
They were playing cards, I wasn't too interested, so I did my nails instead. =) Slept very late.
CNY Day 1We woke up quite late again. T_T Somehow I am always being late when I'm supposed to be going out with Deardear. =X
Went visiting with Deardear's family, 'bai nian' to all the elders. I've never seen any of them before. T_T
When we were at one of the elder's home in Toa Payoh, another relative came visiting, bringing along their dog, Pipi who was 15 years old already! So cute lah...and I wasn't afraid of him at all. Because he doesn't bark, he doesn't run around, he just walks around the house sniffing everyone's feet, then flops down on the floor and proceeds to sleep. Super cute!
After that, we went to pray at Bugis. It was so hot and crowded, we had to queue to get into the temple to pray. -.- Deardear bought an ice cream for me after that. =P
Then, we went to the 2nd temple at Sengkang to pray. And we saw a Malay lion dance troupe! O.o? Weird, the lion dance is a form of praying and respect to the gods, and....Malays can pray to our gods meh?!
After that, we went to Bukit Batok, my grandma's place to bai nian to her~ No one else was there, everyone had already left.
Met up with Jimmy after that at Tampines and we caught 2 late shows! We caught Inkheart and The Punisher 2.
CNY Day 2Me! Love my OP top. =)

Deardear! Wearing his Bods top. And he was so happy when he bought it!

Went for a light lunch at Ichiban Sushi @ Hougang Mall~~

Then proceeded to Laopa's house for steamboat with the family!

After a very very full dinner, we met up with C & J for movie! J booked the tickets first, we wanted to catch The Wedding Game, but...during the opening credits, we realised it was for Love Matters. Turns out that J booked the wrong tickets online! LOL! Blur like sotong! But it's ok....the show was rather nice. Very funny too. =)
CNY Day 3Back to work! Time passed so fast~~~
After work, met up with Deardear and Andrew and GF for board games @ Talentrepreneur. =) Entrepreneurial board games! And I won again! Pure luck. Heh.
CNY Day 4Went to Deardear's godsis's house to bai nian, had yummy steamboat dinner and to be her 'shields'. Heh, it's a long story.
Had super yummy bak kwa that she queued 5 1/2 hours for! Madness! And there was also a super yummy chili bak kwa! First time ever that I've eaten it~
CNY Day 5Went to Clara's house! Got ang bao from her! Lol. And we also gave an ang bao to her super cute son, Caleb~
CNY Day 6Went back to Mom's house~ Got more ang baos! =X Then went down to meet Andrew & Daniel & GF for board games @ Settlers SMU! We are so addicted! Lol. But the game Deardear chose wasn't very nice... Settlers of Katan, too troublesome to set up. T_T
But we still had fun, as usual~
We went bowling these few days as well...can't remember which day exactly though. My short term memory is failing me. T_T
Had a HUGE haul of ang baos. =) Love ang baos! But after our customary, no more ang baos to take anymore! *sob*
Anyway, I felt that the festive CNY mood was severely lacking.... Will next year be worse?