I think I'm getting blurrer as each day passes. ><
Yesterday, in the office, I put this invoice in an envelope for mailing out, but later there was some amendments so I went and took back the envelope, wanting to replace the invoice. After I was done, I was about to throw away the old invoice when I saw the amount on it. It was the amended copy! I had actually took out and put back the same invoice... -.-
Tuesday, we went to Shaw Bugis to catch Fast & Furious 4, cause we had a $6 voucher. Halfway through the show, the screen went blank! But the sound was still running though... After some shouting and whistling (by other pple), Mr Toh went out to alert someone.
Anyway, sitting beside us were this group of 'ang mohs'. The guy sitting next to me asked if this has happened to us before, turns out this was his first movie experience in SG. We told him no, and Mr Toh was explaining to them that this was an old cinema, and he should try Cathay or GV next time, that we were there only because of the vouchers.
Don't you think it's embarrasing if he and his friends leaves SG with an impression that cinemas in SG are old and lousy? I think it is, and so does Mr Toh.
After around 10 mins or so, the screen came back on, but we had already missed some parts...
Despite missing a few scenes, I thought the show was not bad...Mr Toh commented that it's not as nice when compared to Part 1. Not as much nice cars, but storyline wise, it was rather OK. Maybe because I don't remember much about Part 1. Too bad about Letty though. ><
After the show, we rushed to catch the train, thank goodness for late last trains. Hee. So we didn't waste money on a cab home.
Next movie: Sniper!