Friday 18/12/09: After work, we went cycling! Earlier in the day, Mr Toh had bought my new bike from Godpa! It's gorgeous!! Love it to bits! It's like my Xmas present!
It has a Suntour fork, and I think it looks gorgeous!
We went for tea while waiting for Daniel and Andrew. We then walked back to grandpa's void deck, Mr Toh gave me a cute sticker for my bike. Super cute! And it's red, which matches my bike~
Daniel and Andrew reached at almost 1am...and off we went! It was a slow and leisure ride...because I'm nub like that, lol.
It was drizzling...and the road was wet.
Pretty scary ride, I fell a couple of times, no thanks to the wet drain covers. Thankfully I didn't sustain any injuries... No more riding in the rain. =X