My new com's arrived ytd! So happy. ^^ Even though the CPU looks ugly, it's ok, cos I can change it anyway! Hee.
Anyway, ytd was really fun! A came over to my house and we made red packet lanterns! Still uncompleted...cos there's so much work to be done. >< But the lanterns are looking goood! xD
We had lunch and dinner at my house. ^^ Mom cooked really delicious braised meat. YUM! Makes me hungry just thinking about it.
-drools- But...recently, been pretty stressed over my job stuff. =( I hate it when things are like that... Really wanna get out of this rut I'm in right now. Plus my mom's not working nowadays, really gotta
gambatte and get a permanent job! Just thinking about it spurs me on to search for a job even harder. But I just sux at these cover letter / interview shit. T_T
Wish me luck, eh?