**WARNING** Pictures intensive!
Christmas stuff
Sweets and bear from colleagues at work.
Cheesecake from Beard Papa from superior at work. Yum!
Chocolates from Candy Empire!
My Xmas pressie from A, the Santa Claus. Guess what it is??
Huge Baby Tweety!!! Omg! <3!
Me with my favourite Xmas pressie!
Me with the toy-like Christmas trees outside Plaza Singapura!
Us outside Plaza Singapura.
Us on the bus. *but dear dear looks funny in the pics*
Borders gift card from Jiajia!
Christmas card from my deardear~
Lovely card and bookmark from Chris!
Pretty decorations around Town.
Orchard Road.
Beary Christmas tree at Harbourfront Centre. Lots of bears!
6 Dec 2006
My 'ai xin' sandwich!
Yummy Dove wafer sticks and Oreo from my dear dear!
Random stuff...
Yummy Chicken cutlet noodles in Tampines!
Heart-shaped balloon dear dear gave me. ^^ A bit lou-feng liao.
All 4 babes!
3 babes on the dancefloor. =X
Dear dear and me. ^^
Ok lah, not so intensive after all. Heh.
Happy Boxing day ah!