Deardear's thinking of buying a laptop.
For his school work and his project work with his buddies.
Also, he says I can use it for my school stuff as well. Hee.
The most important function for us in a laptop now, is portability! It has to be light enough.
That's why he is thinking about the
Asus EEE PC or the
HP Mini.
Based on looks alone, I'd definitely get the Asus. Lol~ It's so chio!
But ultimately, I'd listen to what Deardea wants to get, since he's more knowledgeable at computer stuff.
Anyway, we're going to take a look on Sunday~
Btw, I just changed my blogskin, again. =x
Labels: laptop
So freaking tired now. Just about to finish doing my stuff...hate to leave stuff to do on Monday, cos I cannot work well when I have Monday Blues! Hais.
Stupid day today. So many problems. So freaking busy.
Official declaration: I hate Fridays!!!
** edit: He said Sorry, so everything's fine now. Wahaha. Saying Sorry when you are WRONG very difficult meh?? =P **
That's me.
Called that pig to wake up at 9am plus... But knowing him, he'll go back to sleep, so I called again a while later. 2 times, I woke him up. That should be enough to wake him up, I thought. Apparently, I thought wrong.
Was really busy this morning, so I only called him again at 10:30am. Guess what? He just woke up.
What the FUCK.
I am WORKING. Not relaxing at home.
Fucking bad day.
Heh. I took half a day's leave yesterday to go to the SCCIOB to settle some of my course stuff. For the uninitiated, SCCIOB stands for Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business. I'm going to take a course in Diploma in Shipping Management & Law.
More details about the course here.
- SHP201: Introduction to Shipping Management & Practices (27 hours)
- SHP202: Ship Chartering (27 hours)
- SHP203: International freight forwarding (27 hours)
- SHP204: Bills of lading and Sea Waybills (27 hours)
- SHP205A: Shipping law I (27 hours)
- SHP205B: Shipping law II (27 hours)
- SHP206 Marine insurance (27 hours)
- SHP207: Dangerous Goods and Cargo Security (27 hours)
All very useful for my work. =) And I am genuinely interested! Hee. Excited~
After that, we went for moviees! We bought tickets for Hulk @ 6.15pm and then Zohan @ 9.20pm. We then went for dinner at Kopitiam foodcourt, and we had the yummy Riverside Indonesian grilled chicken set. The stall that always has a long queue. Delicious. =D
Watched Get Smart a few days back. Very funny~~~ The '40 Year Old Virgin' rocks at deadpan humor. Haha~
In the all-new action comedy Get Smart, Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) is on a mission to thwart the latest plot for world domination by the evil crime syndicate known as KAOS. When the headquarters of U.S. spy agency Control is attacked and the identities of its agents compromised, the Chief (Alan Arkin) has no choice but to promote his ever-eager analyst Maxwell Smart, who has always dreamt of working in the field alongside stalwart superstar Agent 23 (Dwayne The Rock Johnson). Smart is partnered instead with the only other agent whose identity has not been compromised: the lovely-but-lethal veteran Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway). As Smart and 99 get closer to unraveling KAOS master planand each otherthey discover that key KAOS operative Siegfried (Terence Stamp) and his sidekick Shtarker (Kenneth Davitian) are scheming to cash in with their network of terror. Given little field experience and even less time, Smartarmed with nothing but a few spy-tech gadgets and his unbridled enthusiasmmust defeat KAOS if he is to save the day.
Rating: 3.5/5
Caught the Zohan yesterday~
In You Don't Mess With the Zohan, a hilarious comedy from screenwriters Judd Apatow (Knocked Up) and Adam Sandler, Sandler stars as Zohan, an Israeli anti terrorist commando who fakes his own death in order to pursue his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York.
Dennis Dugan (Big Daddy, I Now Pronounce you Chuck & Larry) directs; co-starring Rob Schneider with special appearances by Mariah Carey & Henry Winkler.
Damn crude humor! Very very lame with a capital L. But I still laughed like mad. Hee.
Rating: 3/5
Then, we caught the Hulk~
THE INCREDIBLE HULK kicks off an all-new, explosive and action-packed epic of one of the most popular superheroes of all time. In this new beginning, scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) desperately hunts for a cure to the gamma radiation that poisoned his cells and unleashes the unbridled force of rage within him: The Hulk. Living in the shadows-cut off from a life he knew and the woman he loves, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler)-Banner struggles to avoid the obsessive pursuit of his nemesis, General Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt), and the military machinery that seeks to capture him and brutally exploit his power.
Hmm...nothing special I thought, but the fighting scenes were cooool. And his nemesis was ugly as hell. Lol.
Rating: 4/5
Totally enjoyed myself yesterday. =)
In between movies, we sat at Starbucks and enjoyed a cup of coffee, Mocha for him and Latte for me. =D
After the movies, we went back to Kovan for a late night supper @ Punggol Nasi Lemak. YUM!
It's no wonder I'm growing fatter nowadays.
Hee. Yes they do. I like my nails looking pretty. On my way to TP now, to collect my Diploma. Have procrastinated long enough cos i didn't think I'd be needing it. But now, signing up for my shipping course, i need it! Was calling tat PIGGY but he didn't pick up for the, what, last 30 calls? Really very very annoying. Needed him to help me bring my matric card to TP and he also has a meeting with his friends. So so so annoyed. Hmph. I'm already on my way and he just woke up. Tell me, what am i to do with him? Hais.
Went for dinner at Ritz Carlton yesterday with my boss, colleagues, and two of his customers. Hee. It was his treat~ So nice~ Hmm, we had the buffet at Greenhouse...nothing spectacular actually but me and Irene thought that they had a nice choice of dessert.
Their buttered prawns were also very nice, very fresh and juicy! Hee.
My Pancake with Vanilla Ice Cream.. YUM!

Alright lah, very tired and having a splitting headache, still have a meeting tomorrow early morning at 8.30am!! Goodness.
I'm out~
Labels: buffet
Just hung up the phone with Deardear~~
He's off on Monday and he asked me to wake up him slightly earlier than usual.
Puzzled, I asked him why.
He replied....
"Cos Parkway giving out free Tweety cushions."
So sweet lor. =P
In case anyone doesn't know, I love Tweety! And for him to sacrifice even a minute of his sleep to do something for me, that is like...WHOA! Hee.
I've been saying that to him, sleep is numero uno, #1 and I'm at #2.
Which is annoying but true! But when he does something like that, it's really sweet and makes me happy. *sappysmile*
Well, Crystelle's having her ROM Solemnization this Sunday.
Welcome to the married club, babe!
Met Cherrie for fondue before our spa. Our LONG overdue meet up. Lol. And DearDear says he haven't try fondue before... So i brought him along. We tried the fondue at Marina Sq, Chocz. Hmmm... It was pricey, and the side dishes weren't very nice,but the chocolate was delicious. We had the 62% dark chocolate, Madagascar. It was enjoyable, but we spotted a nicer looking one at Andersens. Looks much yummier, and cheaper! So we'll try that one the next time. On the bus to work now. So sleepy. >< Watched KungFu Panda yesterday! Darn funny! Darn cute! I loved it! :-D DearDear and me had a great laugh. Hee. Totally worth watching! And we only spent $6.50 on each ticket, all thanks to my popcorn card. *loves* it gets a 4.85\5.

Wee. Went to the spa yesterday with DearDear. Hee. My first time ever. So so so shiok! Very comfortable and relaxed. I love their atmosphere as well and Oriental's toilets rocks! Hee.
I was a bit intimidated at first...cos the atmosphere was so quiet and high class. Haha~
It was more of a massage than a spa though. But still shiok! Lol.
First, they asked us to change into the thick, luxurious bathrobe, and then I sat in the couple room to wait for Deardear. Cannot wear anything underneath, I only wore the disposable underwear. So shy!!!! Then, we had to lie on the massage table. So shy!!! LOL!
But the massage was damn damn damn shiok~
At the starting of the massage, we faced down and the therapist put her hand through the hole at the thingy where we placed our face and asked me to take 3 deep breaths. But I didn't hear her clearly, so a bit blur and dunno what she wanted me to do, until I opened my eyes and saw her hand there, then....I understood. Haha, so kuku.
The piggy fell asleep during the massage. Heehee. As expected! Was trying not to laugh when I heard Deardear's deep rhythmic breathing. Hee. *piggy*
After the massage, at first, I didn't want to bathe but then again, I felt very oily, so I took a shower, then waited for Deardear at the recep. Luckily I bathed, if not Deardear say he will scold me. =X People dunno have to bathe ma...first time go massage ma!! Damn shiok~
Now I know what I want for my birthdays...
Having a headache now..been having it since after lunch.
Felt soooo sleepy the whole day.
Eyes been droopy the whole time. =X
Gonna slack tomorrow.
Spa on Sunday! Yeah!!! Looking forward to it. Can de stress. Good!
Meeting Cherrie too. See wanna go where makan.
Ok, nothing much to say.
I'm out.
Well, been busy last week.
Thursday night, went to Lunar with Deardear and his colleagues for a farewell party of sorts. And we realised that we took some of our ROM photos @ Lunar, before their opening hours. Lol~ Hmm...the live band was pretty good. But some of his colleagues got drunk and well, really kinda spoilt the mood. Tsk. To think I used to be like them...BUT only occasionally and not as bad as them. =X
We then went for porridge @ Havelock Rd. Hmmmmm, not very nice lor. T_T But we saw this Mediacorp artise there..handsome guy! Lol~
Friday, after work, I went for dinner @ Kovan Heartland Mall, New York New York with Irene and Crystelle. Irene gave us a treat~ So nice of her, but she says the next time it will be my treat at Pan Pac! *faints* The food was better here than at Citylink. Gosh, can you imagine?
Saturday morning, I DRAGGED Deardear out of bed and we headed to Boon Lay for breakfast and to meet up with Andrew and GF. We went to the Jurong Bird Park! My first time there, so 'suaku'. Hee. It was fun and hot...even though it was raining. Took lots of pictures but haven't uploaded them. Will post in time..
Rushed home after that to prepare for Alan's wedding. I was feeling unwell already.. T_T Dinner ended at 11pm plus, then shared a cab home with Irene and her hubby.
Woke up on Sunday feeling sick. =( I got the flu... And was sick all the way until Tuesday, when I had a fever. T_T~ Took MC yesterday. Rested at home. Felt much better today. Still have some phlegm, so yucky.
Alright, got to go~
I'm out.