The watch that got stolen while in the check-in luggage. Hais…Mr Toh bought a pair, and he was wearing his, but left mine in the luggage, but it got stolen!! *argh*
But it’s OK! We found a replacement at Fossil Suntec. Hehehe…loving my new watch! Stylo hor?! =D
My Kate Spade Gramercy Bag! It is actually a diaper bag, but I loved the design! Hahaha! And it was so much cheaper in the US! It is retailing for SGD$800+ at Taka….wtf?
But Mr Toh only bought it for USD425! Hehe, good buy! It is actually in pink, not black, but I couldn’t find a picture of this bag in pink…it is the same shade as below though. Super love it!
Mr Toh also bought an adidas jacket for me! White with pink stripes and a hood, as he said I don’t have a sporty jacket~ And he bought a white jacket with black stripes and a hood for himself~
Super happy with the presents~Just glad that he’s back safely. *muacks*